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US Taxation of Partnerships: Advanced Topics (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403533841
Published: June 2021
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £70.00
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U.S. Taxation of Partnerships is a uniquely illustrative book that explores, analyzes, scrutinizes, and helps to resolve issues concerning accounting methods, anti-abuse rules, liabilities, dissolutions, mergers, and bankruptcy, with expert guidance on preparing partnership financial statements. With more than seven million businesses registered as partnerships in the United States—and increasing—it is incumbent for parties with business interests to keep abreast of the challenges about this sui generis form of business and its intricate body of tax law.

What’s in this book:

Furnishing boxed examples and references to significant court cases, the author extensively elucidates the following key issues:

  • types of partnerships (LP, LLP, LLC, PTP)
  • the two concepts of partnerships
  • partnership formation
  • transactions between partnership and partners
  • allocation of revenues among partners
  • the partnership taxable year
  • base erosion and anti-abuse tax (BEAT)
  • centralized partnership audit regime
  • recourse and nonrecourse liabilities, and
  • special tax rules for publicly traded partnerships (PTPs)

Vital abstract concepts are explained pragmatically. All formal requirements—filing the partnership tax return (Form 1065), reporting, preparing for an audit, and so on—are clearly illustrated with examples.

How this will help you:

As the pioneering book to describe the economics of partnerships comprehensively and concisely, this book offers a reliable and authoritative overview of the complexities of U.S. partnership taxation and dwells on the relevant rules in accessible language. It will be well appreciated by tax law practitioners, members of international and U.S. tax law associations, tax academics, and the international business communities with interests in the U.S.

Other Jurisdictions , Taxation, eBooks, USA
List of Abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Tables
CHAPTER 1. Partnerships: A Business Organization Form
CHAPTER 2. Partnership Formation
CHAPTER 3. The Two Concepts of Partnership
CHAPTER 4. Partnership Taxable Year and Accounting Methods
CHAPTER 5. Partnership Anti-abuse Rules and the BEAT
CHAPTER 6. Transactions Between Partnership and Partners
CHAPTER 7. Partnership Allocations
CHAPTER 8. Partnership Liabilities
CHAPTER 9. Partnership Distribution
CHAPTER 10. Partnership Financial Statements
CHAPTER 11. Partnership Tax Reporting
CHAPTER 12. Partnership Liquidation and Termination
CHAPTER 13. Publicly Traded Partnership
CHAPTER 14. Partnerships Merger and Divisions
CHAPTER 15. Centralized Partnership Audit Regime
CHAPTER 16. Partnership Bankruptcy
Table of Cases