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Leading the Future: The Human Science of Law Firm Strategy and Leadership (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781787427334
Published: February 2016
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £105.10
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Behavioural science comes into play in every aspect of running a legal business, from the way strategic decisions are made, to the way good or bad news is delivered, through to how lawyers interrelate and communicate with clients.

Law firms are now implementing human science initiatives to gain a competitive edge as they compete against each other for market share.

Leading the Future: The Human Science of Law Firm Strategy and Leadership - provides practical how-to advice and guidance on how human sciences are interacting with the different aspects of leading, managing, and marketing in a law firm. It highlights how law firm leaders can harness human sciences to:

  • Develop new skills and autonomous ways of working for staff
  • Examine the best ways of going about formulating strategies
  • Ensure a high level of staff engagement, flexibility, and innovation
  • Improve decision making in the legal profession
  • Build the right culture to drive innovation and facilitate change
  • Create and inspire high performing teams (HPT)
  • Listen, discover and communicate what client's real needs are, persuade and influence them, and target them more accurately
  • Build and sustain trust and cooperation throughout the firm.
  • Encourage cross-selling, resolve conflicts, and build collaborative relationships with clients
  • Hire, promote, inspire, and reward to drive staff performance and engagement
Case Studies, Practical Tools and Tips...

Each chapter in Leading the Future is supported by illustrative case studies from a broad range of international and regional firms, with tools and tips that you can immediately put into practice.

Legal Practice Management, eBooks
Chapter 1: The future of the business of law
Chapter 2: The human science of strategy
Chapter 3: Leading the organization of the future
Chapter 4: The science of decision making
Chapter 5: Creating the right culture for your organization
Chapter 6: Getting commitment to change
Chapter 7: Building high-performing teams
Chapter 8: The art and science of effective persuasion
Chapter 9: Driving trust at all levels
Chapter 10: Dialogue – The generator of success
Chapter 11: Effective collaboration and cooperation
Chapter 12: Rewarding people better without paying them more
Chapter 13: Hiring for the law firm of the future
Chapter 14: Creating an optimistic firm
Chapter 15: What are you really selling?