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FLK2 Practice Assessment: 180 SQE1-style questions with answers (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781914213489
Published: October 2023
Publisher: Fink Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £18.00
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This is a unique guide to preparing for the SQE1 FLK2 assessment, containing a complete practice test along with practical advice on approaching the exam and what to expect on the day of the test.

SQE1 is assessed using multiple-choice questions and in this book you’ll find a detailed overview of the type of MCQs used in SQE1 and clear guidance on how to answer them, enabling you to develop effective methods of tackling them confidently.

With 180 SQE1-style questions and answers, spanning all the subjects assessed in FLK2, you’ll be able to simulate your SQE1 assessment, gain valuable insights from the detailed answers and learn to avoid common mistakes.

And finally, the book’s comprehensive assessment tools enable you to calculate your marks and percentage, ensuring you’re clear about your readiness for the exam.

With this book as your trusted companion, you will approach the SQE1 FLK2 assessment with confidence and increase your chances of success.
