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Confirmation Bias in Criminal Cases (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780192693440
Published: May 2023
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £75.00
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In criminal cases, practitioners such as police officers, crime scene investigators, pathologists, prosecutors, and judges are expected to make decisions that are objective and impartial. However, research since the 1960's into so-called confirmation bias provides persuasive scientific evidence that humans are unable to do so. As flawed investigations and proceedings come to light, the importance of undertaking proper bias mitigation measures is clear.

Confirmation Bias in Criminal Cases takes a multi-disciplinary approach to a complex, real-world issue. It lays out the chronology of criminal investigations and proceedings, and assesses how bias plays a role in each stage. It also offers research-based strategies to combat bias, such as independent review, contextual information management, linear sequential unmasking, and structured evaluations of the evidence.

This book is vital reading for anyone involved in the criminal justice system. It not only gives a holistic view of the human element of confirmation bias but it also offers strategies for how to address it.

Criminal Law, eBooks
2:Confirmation Bias
3:Confirmation Bias in Criminal Investigations
4:Confirmation Bias in Criminal Litigations
5:Overall Summary and Conclusion