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Space Legislation of Luxembourg: A Commentary (eBook)

ISBN13: 9789403543918
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Country of Publication: Netherlands
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £107.00
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For more than three decades, Luxembourg has been at the forefront of commercial and cooperative initiatives that have shaped a vibrant space economy. Since 2017, this formidable role in global enterprise has been brought to legal fruition with three farseeing laws designed to make Luxembourg the most favorable jurisdiction for registering commercial missions to exploit space resources. This book presents expert article-by-article commentary on these laws by scholars from the staff of the renowned SES Chair in Space, Satellite Communications and Media Law of the University of Luxembourg, as well as the first non online publication in English of the laws otherwise only available in French.

For investors and operators seeking a safe and attractive legal environment in space resources activities, the Commentary will greatly clarify such crucial matters as the following:

  • whether the authorization procedure is smooth or cumbersome, affordable or expensive
  • whether and which insurance is required
  • whether potential liability for damage caused by a space object will be capped or not, and
  • procedures and consequences attached to termination of space activity

Each section of the Commentary follows the same structure: first the English text of the article, then its drafting history (genesis and context), then legal interpretation, and finally evaluation, including comparison with space laws of other countries.

The pace of innovation in space-related technology continues to accelerate, but making tomorrow's technical possibilities a reality requires practical legal support today. This valuable tool for the further economic development of a dynamic and competitive commercial sector offers a clear legal framework ensuring that private operators, investors and entrepreneurs working in space can be confident about their rights, including their rights to the resources they extract. The book also represents a milestone in space law for academics and practitioners in the field.

eBooks, Air and Space Law
A Note on Citations
CHAPTER 1. Commentary on the 2017 Law on Space Resources
CHAPTER 2. Commentary on the 2020 Law on Space Activities
CHAPTER 3. Commentary on the 2020 Law on the Approval of the Registration Convention

Annex I. Law of 20 July 2017 on the Exploration and Use of Space Resources
Annex II. Law of 15 December 2020 on Space Activities
Annex III. Law of 15 December 2020 on the Law Approving the Convention on the Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York on 12 November 1974