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The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law (eBook)

Edited by: Katja L. H. Samuel, Marie Aronsson-Storrier, Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller

ISBN13: 9781108693196
Published: February 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £184.00
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The number, intensity, and impact of diverse forms of 'natural' and 'human-made' disasters are increasing. In response, the international community has shifted its primary focus away from disaster response to prevention and improved preparedness.

The current globally agreed upon roadmap is the ambitious Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, central to which is the better understanding of disaster risk management and mitigation. Sendai also urges innovative implementation, especially multi-sectoral and multi-hazard coherence. Yet the law sector itself remains relatively under-developed, including a paucity of supporting 'DRR law' scholarship and minimal cross-sectoral engagement.

Commonly, this is attributable to limited understanding by other sectors about law's dynamic potential as a tool of disaster risk mitigation, despite the availability of many risk-related norms across a broad spectrum of legal regimes. This unique, timely Handbook brings together global and multi-sector perspectives on one of the most pressing policy issues of our time.

  • Introduces concepts of DRR, especially DRR law, increasing awareness and understanding of the existence and function of DRR law at a key time in its development
  • Highlights the critical need for broader cross-sectoral engagement on DRR issues and looks at multi-sectoral approaches by the Sendai Framework, especially between law, science and technology
  • Seeks to contribute to the development of DRR related law, policy and practice as well as to better inform law and policy makers on the growing importance of DRR law through a comparative analysis of multiple regime

Public International Law, eBooks
1. Introduction Katja L.H. Samuel, Marie Aronsson-Storrier, and Kirsten Nakjavani Bookmiller
Part I International Law Framework and DRR:
2. Seven Dimensions of Disaster: The Sendai Framework and the Social Construction of Catastrophe Michael D. Cooper
3. Exploring the Foundations: The Principles of Prevention, Mitigation, and Preparedness in International Law Marie Aronsson-Storrier
4. The ILC's Articles on the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters and Disaster Risk Reduction – A Legislative History Arnold N. Pronto
5. Disaster Risk Reduction Cooperation for the Protection of Persons in the Event of Disasters Hugo Cahueñas Muñoz
6. Recognising Limits of International Law in Disaster Risk Reduction as Problem and Solution Michael Eburn, Andrew Collins, and Karen da Costa
Part II. Communication, Early Warning Systems and DRR:
7. The 'Protection of Knowing': The Evolving Concept of Early Warning and States' Obligations to Inform of Disaster Risk and Warn of Disaster Simon Whitbourn
8. Speaking with One or Multiple Voices in Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems? A Survey of International and National Legal and Policy Frameworks Silvia Venier and Francesca Capone
9. The Development of the 'Single Official Voice Principle' in National Legal Frameworks and at the EU Level Stefano Silingardi
10. Access to Disaster Risk Information, Early Warning and Education: Implementing the Sendai Framework through Human Rights Law Marlies Hesselman
Part III. Regional and National Approaches:
11. Soft Obligations and Hard Realities: Regional Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe and Asia W. John Hopkins
12. Embracing Regionalism: Lessons from the UN Regional Seas Programme for UNISDR and the Sendai Framework Dug Cubie
13. Disaster Risk Reduction through Risk Pooling – The Case of Hazard Risk Pooling Schemes Morten Broberg and Erica Hovani
14. Disaster Risk Governance and Coherence: The Case of Incentives for Private Business to Foster Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Eloísa Dutari and Cássius G. Chai
15. Disaster Risk Reduction and the State: The Failure of No-Build Zones after Typhoon Haiyan
Daniel Fitzpatrick and Caroline Compton
Part IV. Air, Sea and DRR:
16. Risk Reduction and Response Mechanisms in Aviation Wanlu 'Laura' Zhang
17. Disaster Risk Reduction in Cruise Shipping, Capacity Building for Crew Members and the Polar Code Stefan Kirchner
18. Regional Legal Frameworks for Search and Rescue: The Arctic Experience of Regulating Early Warning Systems Simon Marsden
Part V. Health, Cultural Property/Natural Heritage and DRR:
19. Disaster Risk Reduction, Early Warning Systems, and Global Health: Critiquing the Current System-Based Approach Katja L.H. Samuel and Rosalind J. Cornforth
20. Disaster Risk Reduction, the International Federation of the Red Cross, and Emergency Health for Women in Nepal 2015 Christy Shucksmith-Wesley
21. Cultural Heritage and Disaster Risk Reduction Giulio Bartolini
Part VI. Catastrophic Events and DRR:
22. The Right to Evacuation of Nuclear Disaster Victims and Disaster Risk Reduction in the Event of Radiation Emergencies: the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Emika Tokunaga
23. Improving Disaster Risk Mitigation: Towards a 'Multi-Hazard' Approach to Terrorism Katja L.H. Samuel, William C. Banks, and Daphné Richemond-Barak