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Conversations on Justice from National, International, and Global Perspectives: Dialogues with Leading Thinkers (eBook)

Edited by: Jean-Marc Coicaud, Lynette E. Sieger

ISBN13: 9781108600965
Published: January 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £100.00
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The question of what constitutes norms for global justice is of considerable concern for all those interested in world peace and cooperation. In order to define these global norms, Jean-Marc Coicaud, while working at the United Nations University, initiated a project centered around conversations with leading theorists and policy practitioners in global affairs.

Conversations on Justice from National, International, and Global Perspectives features world-class authors and activists, from around the world, and from a variety of disciplines, to discuss the central questions of justice at the national, international, and global levels. Made up of a compilation of dialogues, this volume's unique format makes it highly accessible and even fun to read.

The insights and observations of these leading intellectuals and scholars provide a rich contribution to theories on how global justice might become a reality.

Public International Law, eBooks
1. Introduction to conversations on justice from national, international and global perspectives Jean-Marc Coicaud
Part I. Global Knowledge/Global Thought:
2. Global order and global knowledge Boaventura de Sousa Santos
3. Thinking globally at the beginning of the twenty-first century Hui Wang
4. Oh, [Muslim] believers: be just, that is always closer to true piety Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na`im
Part II. From Thinking Globally to Global Ethics:
5. Extent and limits of global justice David Miller
6. Minority rights, secularism, and justice Neera Chandhoke
7. Decent society, memory, and compromise Avishai Margalit
8. Global ethics and global justice Thomas W. Pogge
Part III. International Law and Justice:
9. International law as the articulation of universalism and pluralism Mireille Delmas-Marty
10. International law and the question of its transcivilizational possibility Onuma Yasuaki
11. International organizations and global justice Jose E. Alvarez
Part IV. World Order and Global Policy:
12. Global justice and global peace Charles A. Kupchan
13. International economics and development A. Michael Spence
14. Principles and institutions of global justice David Held
Part V. Concluding Thoughts:
15. Concluding thoughts on conversations on justice from national, international and global perspectives Jean-Marc Coicaud and Lynette E. Sieger.